Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Counting Change

There isn't much I can say - the numbers speak for themselves.
39 thousand people gave Ron Paul $4 million. In 24 hours. Without a doubt, this is one for the record books. The White House suddenly seems not so far away...

I have put up a snapshot of the day, available here.


Heather in WI said...

I was completely addicted to your site yesterday! WOW! I can't believe that we did it. Thank you for posting this follow-up. I went to bed around 10ish and couldn't see the final number.

Unknown said...

Ron Paul's November 5th Stats Snapshot taken at 11:59

I submitted your snapshot to digg last night late...

it's got 25 diggs in about 8 hours or so.

Unknown said...

heath9311: Digg was censoring the stories. They finally let one break after midnight, then even put that one down.

I'm commenting to say, thanks for the graphs, your system was awesome and even held up under pressure yesterday!

Unknown said...

sahrs: technically, censoring isn't the correct word, because the submissions are still there, just not getting to the homepage. That is something, but not censorship.

To me it shows that there's a lot of people on digg that don't want to hear the truth, and will actively try to suppress it.


Revolutionary76 said...

Hey, great coverage of the event I was glued to it. I know a few people have been brewing another event, if you would like to get involved in this. It is going to be on December 16, 2007 the annvirsary of the Boston Tea Party. Getting another major push like this would be amazing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great graphs. It was great seeing the rate of money coming in per hour and the rate of donors per hour.

I donated soon after midnight and was amazed to see the graph going straight up. Then later in the day it was clear that the midnight activity was nothing compared to later in the day. So of course I had to donate again.

You can pat yourself on the back for helping to motivate people to contribute. Keep up the great work. ronpaulgraphs.com has some great views as well. You guys both deserve lots of credit.

Michael said...

When is the next one?

Dan B said...

Just do the ads, man!

You put in the hours.. it's not like you're profiteering or something... even with the ads and donations I'm making about $1.50 an hour.. a little below my normal contract rate :)

McClarinJ said...

The extent so many individuals are going to in assisting Dr. Paul is heartwarming and inspiring. Because of them I decided yesterday to sell a diamond solitaire and wedding band I've had for awhile, the result of an engagement gone belly-up. The proceeds will go to the Ron Paul campaign on Dec. 16, the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party when another huge "money bomb" is set for Ron (http://www.ronpaul2008.com/), orchestrated entirely by independent volunteers (http://teaparty07.com/).

I could put the proceeds toward a new camera or toward my next vacation. I could invest it in a high-interest savings account. But what I really want most right now is to see Ron Paul pull an upset victory in a couple early primary states and have enough money to continue competitively in the next round of primaries.

I hope and rather expect that we will raise over $10 million for the Dec. 16 tea party. What a delicious shock wave that would send through the media who ignored him at first and through the other presidential campaigns, especially the ones who think they've got the nomination all sewed up.